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An Aircraft Pilot

   A Pilot requires a lot of concentration and discipline.  My cousin is currently attending an air force school and is learning how to fly aircraft and is preparing to fly in battle.  He needs a lot of hard work and determination to achieve this high level of flying.

   Becoming a pilot takes a lot of practice and I believe I have the determination the become a pilot.  I don't want to be any pilot, I want to be a pilot that passengers recognize and respect.  I don't want passengers to feel like their flight is just another regular flight, but I wan't them to enjoy the flight and know their pilot.  I want to fly passengers safely to their destination so that they will have an enjoyable flight and arrive safely on time.

A pilot needs many characteristics in order to fly a plane, but some of the most important are concentration and cooperation.  A pilot needs concentration because he is flying passengers and if he gets distracted and makes a mistake it will not only affect him but everyone else on the plane.  A pilot needs cooperation because he needs to cooperate with his fellow workers on the plane.  If the pilot gets mad at his co-pilot for something he did then if could affect their relationship and the rest of the trip.  I want to be a pilot who concentrates on my work and also has a good relationship with my co-workers.